Magritz R, Veit JA, Keküllüoglu O. Complete auricular reconstruction with a prelaminated microvascular radial forearm flap and autologous rib cartilage. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2024, in press
Suitability of Ex Vivo-Expanded Microtic Perichondrocytes for Auricular reconstruction. Jakob Y, Kern J, Gvaramia D, Fisch P, Magritz R, Reutter S, Rotter N. Cells. 2024 Jan 12;13(2):141. doi: 10.3390/cells13020141.
Otoplasty and Auricular Reconstruction. Siegert R, Magritz R. Facial Plast Surg. 2019 Aug;35(4):377-386. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1693745. Epub 2019 Aug 30.
The red ear. Weinberg A, Magritz R. Pan Afr Med J. 2018 May 16;30:34. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2018.30.34.15020. eCollection 2018.
Magritz R, Siegert R. Auricular reconstruction – Surgical innovations, training methods and an attempt for a look forward. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2014 Apr;30(2): 183 – 93
Siegert R, Magritz R. Malformation and plastic surgery in childhood. GMS Curr Top Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Dec 1;13:Doc01. doi: 10.3205/cto000104. eCollection 2014.
Siegert R, Magritz R. Fehlbildungen und plastische Chirurgie im Kindesalter. Laryngorhinootologie. 2014, 93:1 – 15
Magritz R, Siegert R. Reconstruction of the avulsed auricle after trauma. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2013 Oct;46(5):841 – 55
Duvdevani SI, Magritz R, Siegert R. Sulcus construction in microtia repair: a retrospective comparison of different techniques. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2013 Jan;15(1):17 – 20
Andratschke M, Lörken J, Eggers R, Magritz R, Siegert R, Wollenberg B. Einflüsse des Wasserstrahljets auf die Histomorphometrie und Funktion des N. facialis. HNO 2011; 59(10): 1045 – 53
Andratschke M, Lörken J, Eggers R, Magritz R, Siegert R, Wollenberg B. Einfluss des Wasserstrahldissektors auf die Morphologie des N. facialis – Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen am Hund. HNO 2011; 59(10): 1055 – 61
Magritz R, Siegert R. Plastische Chirurgie der Tassenohrdeformität. J Ästhet Chir 2010; 3(2):75 – 81
Siegert R, Magritz R. Autologe Rekonstruktion schwerer Fehlbildungen und Defekte der Ohrmuschel. J Ästhet Chir 2010; 3(2):67 – 74
Siegert R, Magritz R. Reducing the morbidity involved in harvesting autogenous rib cartilage. Facial Plast Surg. 2009 Aug;25(3):169 – 74
Siegert R, Magritz R. Special reconstruction techniques for special circumstances. Facial Plast Surg. 2009 Aug;25(3):204 – 11
2. Buchbeiträge
Magritz R, Siegert R. Reconstruction of the auricle. In: Atlas of Surgery for Facial Cancer. Editors: Camilo J. Roldan, Ian T. Jackson, Franz Härle, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, im Druck
Magritz R, Siegert R. Äußeres Ohr. In: Rekonstruktive Kopf-Hals-Chirurgie. Herausgeber: Thomas K. Hoffmann, Jürgen Hoffmann, Daniel Hänggi, Jens Peter Klußmann, Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, Oktober 2023, ISBN: 978-3-662-58251-0 (Hardcover), ISBN: 978-3-662-58252-7 (eBook)
Hadlock T, Magritz R, Cheney M. Microtia Reconstruction. In: Facial Surgery: Plastic and Reconstructive. Editors: Mack L. Cheney, Tessa A. Hadlock, published: October 2014, CRC Press, ISBN: 978-1482240917
Magritz R, Siegert R. Reconstruction of the avulsed auricle after trauma. In: Surgical Management of Facial Trauma. Editors: Kofi Derek O. Boahene, Anthony E. Brisset, published: October 2013, Imprint: Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-323-22731-5
Magritz R, Siegert R. Fehlbildungen der Ohrmuschel und des Gehörgangs. In: Pädiatrische HNO-Heilkunde. Herausgeber: Karl Götte, Thomas Nicolai, 1. Auflage 2010, Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-473-24660-9
Magritz R, Siegert R. Grundzüge der Rekonstruktion bei Fehlbildungen der Ohrmuschel und des Gehörgangs. In: Pädiatrische HNO-Heilkunde. Herausgeber: Karl Götte, Thomas Nicolai, 1. Auflage 2010, Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-473-24660-9
Magritz R, Siegert R. Traumatologie der Ohrmuschel und des Felsenbeins. In: Pädiatrische HNO-Heilkunde. Herausgeber: Karl Götte, Thomas Nicolai, 1. Auflage 2010, Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-473-24660-9
3. Vorträge auf Einladung
Magritz R. Grundzüge der rekonstruktiven Chirurgie der Ohrmuschel. APKO Workshop, Frankfurt (Main), 27. Januar 2024
Magritz R. Evidenzlücken bei der Rhinoplastik. Jahrestagung der Dt. Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie, Leipzig, 17. – 20. Mai 2023
Magritz R. Chirurgie der Ohrmuschel im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Jahrestagung der Dt. Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie, Online-Kongress, 12. – 16. Mai 2021
Magritz R. Plastische Chirurgie des gelähmten Gesichts. Jahrestagung der Dt. Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie, Berlin, 29. Mai – 01. Juni 2019
Magritz R. Plastic surgery of the paralysed face. 007 - The Facial Nerve, Mumbai, 06. – 07. April 2019
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Concepts and techniques in microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, 10th Congress of Croatian Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, Sibenik, Kroatien, 24. – 27. Mai 2017
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Concepts and techniques in microtia and other complex cases. 10 Jahrestagung der türkischen Gesellschaft für Plastische Gesichtschirurgie, Izmir, 15. – 17. Dezember 2016
Magritz R. Plastic surgery of minor ear deformity. Keynote lecture, 10 Jahrestagung der türkischen Gesellschaft für Plastische Gesichtschirurgie, Izmir, 15. – 17. Dezember 2016
Magritz R. Plastic surgery of minor ear deformity. Keynote lecture, 40th Summer Meeting of the Egyptian Society of Plastic Surgery, Alexandria, 28. – 30. September 2016
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Concepts and techniques in microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, 40th Summer Meeting of the Egyptian Society of Plastic Surgery, Alexandria, 28. – 30. September 2016
Magritz R. Plastic surgery of minor ear deformity. Keynote lecture, The 11th Congress of the KAFPRS, Seoul, 26. – 27. März 2016
Magritz R. Plastic surgery of minor ear deformity. Keynote lecture, The 11th Congress of the KAFPRS, Seoul, 26. – 27. März 2016
Magritz R. Hearing restoration in microtia – Techniques and indications. Keynote lecture, Annual Meeting of the Finnish Otolarygological Society, Helsinki, 05. – 06. Februar 2015
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Concepts and techniques in microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, Annual Meeting of the Finnish Otolarygological Society, Helsinki, 05. – 06. Februar 2015
Gastoperateur (Ohrmuschelrekonstruktion) beim 3rd St. Petersburg Live Surgery & Injections Course, Advanced Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty and Facial Contouring, St. Petersburg (Russland), 23. - 25. Oktober 2015
Magritz R. From Aesthetic Otoplasty to Auricular reconstruction. Keynote lecture, 3rd St. Petersburg Live Surgery & Injections Course, Advanced Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty and Facial Contouring, St. Petersburg (Russland), 23. - 25. Oktober 2015
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction - Modern concepts and innovative techniques in typical and atypical microtia, revisional and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, 2nd St. Petersburg Live Surgery & Injections Course, Advanced Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty and Facial Contouring, St. Petersburg (Russland), 24. - 26. Oktober 2014
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Our concepts and techniques in microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, Finesse in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 10. - 14. September 2014
Magritz R. Surgery of Cup ear deformities. Keynote lecture, Finesse in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 10. - 14. September 2014
Gastoperateur (ästhetische Ohrmuschelkorrektur), Finesse in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 10. - 14. September 2014
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction - Surgical innovations, training methods and an attempt for a look forward. Keynote lecture, 11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery and 50th Anniversary of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New York City, 27. - 31. Mai 2014
Magritz R. Complex ear reconstruction. Instructional course, 11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery and 50th Anniversary of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New York City, 27. - 31. Mai 2014
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction - Why and how have I changed my technique. Panel session, 11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery and 50th Anniversary of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New York City, 27. - 31. Mai 2014
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction - Concepts and techniques in regular and atypical microtia, revisional and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, Combined Meeting of 4th International Conference of Pan Asia Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and 6th Congress of the Korean Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Seoul, Korea, 11. - 13. April 2014
Magritz R. Pedicled and free muscle transfer techniques in surgery of the paralysed face. Keynote lecture, Combined Meeting of 4th International Conference of Pan Asia Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and 6th Congress of the Korean Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Seoul, Korea, 11. - 13. April 2014
Gastoperateur (Ohrmuschelrekonstruktion und Nasenrekonstruktion) bei EXLSA Extreme Live Surgery Arena 2014, meet experts in action, Hands-on Course, Varese, Italien, 20. – 21. Februar 2014
Magritz R. (Re)Konstruktive Ohrmuschelchirurgie – Trends und Neuigkeiten. APKO Airport Workshop, Frankfurt (Main), 25. Januar 2014
Magritz R. Plastische Chirurgie bei angeborenen Fehlbildungen und erworbenen Defekten der Kopf-Hals-Region. Hautvortrag, Zertifizierte Fortbildung, Krankenhaus Meran, Italien, 21. November 2013
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Our concepts and techniques in microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, Finesse in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 10. - 14. Oktober 2013
Magritz R. Complex ear reconstruction – Advanced techniques for difficult cases. 2nd Recklinghausen Course on Ear Reconstruction, Recklinghausen, 20. – 21. September 2013
Magritz R. Surgery of cup ear deformities. 2nd Recklinghausen Course on Ear Reconstruction, Recklinghausen, 20. – 21. September 2013
Magritz R. Surgery of macrotia. 2nd Recklinghausen Course on Ear Reconstruction, Recklinghausen, 20. – 21. September 2013
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Our concepts and techniques. Seminar on Concepts in Auricular reconstruction, Riga, 17. Juni 2013
Magritz R. Muskelersatzplastiken in der Chirurgie des gelähmten Gesichts – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. 20. Selbsthilfetage „Möbius Syndrom“, Volkers – Bad Brückenau, 8. Juni 2013
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Our concepts and techniques in microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, 26th International Winter Course on operative techniques in Otorhinolaryngology “How I do it”, Selva di Val Gardena, Italien, 02. – 08. Februar 2013
Magritz R. Tactile and thermal perception of (re)constructed ears – a neglected problem and its importance for a successful ear reconstruction. Keynote lecture, 26th International Winter Course on operative techniques in Otorhinolaryngology “How I do it”, Selva di Val Gardena, Italien, 02. – 08. Februar 2013
Magritz R. Pedicled and free muscle transfer techniques in surgery of the paralysed face. Keynote lecture, 26th International Winter Course on operative techniques in Otorhinolaryngology “How I do it”, Selva di Val Gardena, Italien, 02. – 08. Februar 2013
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Our concepts and techniques in microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, The Regensburg Course in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 07. – 10. Oktober 2012
Magritz R. Complex ear reconstruction – Advanced techniques for difficult cases. 1st Recklinghausen Course on Ear Reconstruction, Recklinghausen, 28. – 29. September 2012
Magritz R. Surgery of cup ear deformities. 1st Recklinghausen Course on Ear Reconstruction, Recklinghausen, 28. – 29. September 2012
Magritz R. Surgery of macrotia. 1st Recklinghausen Course on Ear Reconstruction, Recklinghausen, 28. – 29. September 2012
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Our concepts and techniques for typical and atypical microtia. Keynote lecture, Annual Fall Meeting of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington DC, 05. – 08. September 2012
Magritz R. Ear reconstruction – Advanced techniques for complex cases. Keynote lecture, 7th International Congress of the International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Socities, Rom, Italien, 09. – 12. Mai 2012
Magritz R. Pedicled and free muscle transfer techniques in surgery of the paralysed face. Keynote lecture, 7th International Congress of the International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Socities, Rom, Italien, 09. – 12. Mai 2012
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Modern concepts and techniques in primary and revisional microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, Advances in Facial Plastic Surgery and Rhinology, Hongkong, China, 07. – 09. Dezember 2011
Magritz R. Dynamic muscle transfer in facial reanimation – Opportunities and limitations of different techniques. Keynote lecture, Advances in Facial Plastic Surgery and Rhinology, Hongkong, China, 07. – 09. Dezember 2011
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Concepts and techniques in primary and revisional microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, The Regensburg Course in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 22. – 25. September 2011
Magritz R. Facial Paralysis – Analysis and general treatment options. Keynote lecture, The Regensburg Course in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 22. – 25. September 2011
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction - Concepts and techniques in primary and revisional microtia and other complex cases. 34th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Brügge, Belgien, 01. – 04. September 2011
Magritz R. The framework in auricular reconstruction – Different types and an attempt of a classification. 34th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, Brügge, Belgien, 01. – 04. September 2011
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Concepts and techniques in primary and revisional microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, University Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, 05. Mai 2011
Magritz R. Die magnetische Ankopplung von Epithesen ohne offene Implantate – Ein neues Prinzip der Epithesenversorgung. Hautvortrag, 20. Symposium der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Chirurgische Prothetik und Epithetik, Linz, Österreich, 08. – 10. Oktober 2010
Magritz R. Auricular reconstruction – Concepts and techniques in primary and revisional microtia and other complex cases. Keynote lecture, The Regensburg Course in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 10. – 13. Juni 2010
Magritz R. Facial Reanimation – General Principles and Techniques. Keynote lecture, 1st Meeting of the European Academy of ORL-HNS in Collaboration with EUFOS, Mannheim, 27. – 30. Juni 2009
Magritz R. Ear reconstruction – Our concepts and techniques. Keynote lecture, University Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic Surgery, 14. Mai 2009
Magritz R. Otoplasty – Our philosophy. Keynote lecture, The Regensburg Course in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 29. April – 02. Mai 2009
Magritz R. Ear reconstruction – Our concepts and techniques. Keynote lecture, The Regensburg Course in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 29. April – 02. Mai 2009
Magritz R. How to train in ear reconstruction?. Keynote lecture, The Regensburg Course in Facial Plastic Surgery, Regensburg, 29. April – 02. Mai 2009
Magritz R. Management of the paralysed face. Keynote lecture, Annual Scientific Meeting of The Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists, Hongkong, China, 24. – 25. Februar 2009
Mitgliedschaften in medizinischen Fachgesellschaften
Deutsche Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie (DGHNO)
Vorstandsmitglied der Arbeitgemeinschaft Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Kopf-Halschirurgie (APKO) der DGHNO
European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
International Society for Auricular Reconstruction (ISAR)